BlueTech that helps companies grow online

Solutions in digital marketing, leading your projects to new places

Content science says that only 5% of companies are providing thriving content –only that 5% is getting triple times benefits.

Impactful content is one which follows a step by step process of content operations.

Content is the foundation of communication between a company
and potential buyers. It is not just a set of words but a science of presenting ideas to influence conscious and unconscious thought processes. Unfortunately, now most content marketing packages are only about stuffing keywords to fulfill the requirement. Such content never marks an impact –people see, ignore, and move!

Blue Tech Writing

One Of A Kind

We are the only well-known guest blogging service provider to offer Domain Authority 80+ placements.

Astonishing Quality

Every placement comes with a top-notch, 700-word article written by a professional in-house writer.

Produced In-House

From outreach and prospecting to writing and publishing, we do not outsource any part of the process.

BlueTech Content Creation.

Link building is an essential part of any SEO strategy. Quality links are vital for improving organic rankings, driving traffic and conversions. While there are a number of different link building strategies, guest blogging stands to be one of the most impactful techniques.

Solvid guest posting is an effective way to get high-quality, editorial links back to your website, helping you skyrocket organic traffic and improve search rankings in as little time as possible.



Our Approach

Our team here at BlueTech Studio, uses modern and innovative Content Writing services, supported by the best digital practices, to escalate your
traffic & rankings for assessed keywords and long-tail phrases that attract business and potential customers to your site.


A premium 700-word article is included with every single placement. The articles are researched and produced by our in-house content marketers, who use native English speakers with experience in Journalism, Media & Content Marketing.


Our work has been mentioned by various influencers like Rand Fishkin, Syed Balkhi & Brian Dean. We’ve gained placements on the likes of, HuffPost, TechRadar,, VentureBeat, CoinMarketCap and many more.


Our guest blogging service is one of the most effective and efficient ways to get the finest, editorial in-content backlinks to improve rankings and boost traffic. No more bio or low-quality links through PBNs that drive no value.


The entire process is 100% manual – no single step of this service is automated. Our team hand-picks genuine, relevant websites for your niche. We then proceed to the outreach, pitching, securing and publishing.


We’re committed to achieving an industry-beating turnaround time of 15 days for a single placement. We infuse content with in-depth research and utilise pre-existing relationships with numerous blogs and publications to get you noticed.


We offer two options as for the basis of our guest posting service, Moz’s Domain Authority (options ranging from 20 to 80+) and publisher’s Monthly Estimated traffic (options ranging from 10,000 to 1M+, based on SimilarWeb data).


Content Marketing Services

We offer some unique and extraordinary advantages as well

1. Magazine Publications

Our team is in the loop with hundreds of international magazines where we publish your brand story to link you with the entire world.

2. Well Researched Keywords

Our team is in the loop with hundreds of international magazines where we publish your brand story to link you with the entire world.

3. Significant Increase In Sales

Our team is in the loop with hundreds of international magazines where we publish your brand story to link you with the entire world.

Why our content creation services are best?

There are five levels of Content Operations

1. Chaotic

An informal and ad hoc approach to take a start

2. Piloting

Targeted to certain areas like blogs or newsletters

3. Scaling

The formal approach of expanding content operations 

4. Sustaining

Strengthening the entire content operations and working for optimization.

5. Thriving

Sustaining, evaluating as well as improving ROI through content operations.

Why Compromise When You Can Have
Thriving Content?

When random companies or service providers talk about content marketing packages they only work up to a chaotic and piloting level of content operations. Very few of them start working on scaling as well. A survey says that only 75% of companies only provide cheap content writers and never focus on ROI or improvement of the brand’s image.

Frequently asked questions.

When you are searching for something, the one thing any person would do is search on Google. Whether you need to buy a certain product or you want to hire services, you directly search on Google typing some keywords relevant on your search. Then you browse through the internet until you find a match. Most people search only through the links which are visible on the first page. So, you need to rank on top you make your website visible and that is done with the help of SEO.

Our SEO packages at Artimization includes

  • Thorough research of relevant keywords that are approved by you.
  • A minimum contract duration of 6 months
  • A comprehensive strategy and Plan
  • Critical SEO Analysis
  • Baseline Ranking Check

And many more. View our Packages and pricing to know more about our affordable and unique packages.

SEO helps attract traffic which can turn into potential leads that you need for your business to grow and prosper. What makes SEO much harder is maintaining those rankings on Google. Artimization helps businesses of all sizes in maximizing their revenue online and build visibility and credibility.

In this era of digitalization, SEO is the most affordable marketing tool there is as compared to those traditional TV ads and newspaper ads which can probably cost you a lot. It gives better returns and gives your business more credibility.

SEO helps your business rank on top of Search Engines like Google. Once your website appears on the first page of Google that means most users will click through your website. When a person reaches your website then eventually depending on your sales strategies will buy your product or services or may even become a long lasting customer. Thus, will help your company grow and prosper.

In this modern era, more and more people and turning to the internet to get majority of their things done. Whether you need to buy a certain product that is of necessity. With the increasing dependence that people have grown for technologies, online marketplaces are the future and Hub of marketing thus making SEO far more worth than it ever had.

Every campaign is different. In addition to 200+ Google’s ranking factors, there are numerous individual aspects that can determine how fast you’ll be able to notice the results, including your current state of SEO, age of the website, your industry and allocated budget.

We sure do! Everything that falls under “SEO” – which is pretty much everything that has to do with a website (except paying for ads) is taken care of. The volume of our work is based on the monthly budget and allocated hours, but in any case, all essential SEO work is included in every campaign. 

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